Q: How to register?

A: Please click on the Register menu located at the topmost of the page and fill-out the registration form.

Q: Can't register?

A: Please send us a screenshot of the error encountered as well as the registration form containing all the necessary details for us to resolve the issue.

Q: Can't Login after registration?

A: You need to verify your account by clicking the link sent to your registered email. Once you click the link, an administrator will be notified to activate your account. You have to patiently wait since this was clearly cited in the email. A notification will be sent to your registered email once an administrator activates your account.

Q: Forgot my password/username?

A: You may reset your password or request your username by clicking on the "Forgot your password?" or "Forgot your username?" respectively on the Login form?

Q: How to submit a new proposal?

A: Please check this step by step guide: https://bit.ly/DPMISGuide. DOST Forms are also available as guides for submitting your proposal: https://dpmis.dost.gov.ph/index.php/transparency/downloads/category/2-dost-forms 

Q: Can't find the Implementing Agency from the list in the registration form?

A: During registration, please type and select 'Other Agency' and specify the complete name of the agency (sample format: Mother Agency/University - College - Department - Section/Unit).

Q: Copy-pasted text is a mess? How to fix it? Can't copy text from an MS Office file? How to obtain the plain text version?

A: You may copy texts from an MS Office file but you need to remove all the hidden copied formats. You can do so by:

1. Selecting all the pasted text (or Ctrl+A for Windows when your cursor are on the editor)
2. Click on the Format menu found at the top of the editor (where you pasted the text)
3. Select and click on the Clear Formatting menu
4. Additionally, you may format the pasted text using the editor formatting tools (ex. Indentation, Italicization and etc)

Alternatively, you can obtain a plain text version of the copied text from an MS Office file by pasting first the copied text in a plain text editor like Notepad, then copy the plain text version from the Notepad instead.


Q: What is the New 6P's Indicators? How to use it?

A: To watch the New 6P's Indicators Demo, just click here.




*For questions/clarifications, please email the DPMIS Helpdesk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..